NFS Unbound
Associate Level Designer - Pre-Alpha to Launch
Designed & authored racing events throughout the open world to meet design direction of pacing, intensiveness and uniqueness.
Prototyped and designed one of the games' unique signature modes- Takeover in collaboration with the Lead Level Designer
Designed and created a uniform checkpoint and chevron language for all designers to use in event creation to ensure player direction was consistent through all races.
Authored navmesh throughout the level for AI to understand where they could move but also what speeds they could drive along certain terrain.
Authored splines and AI path points throughout race events to ensure that they'd take sharp or wide corners, or take jumps and shortcuts throughout a race.
Held design review sessions of events and modes to identify next steps in iteration and receive feedback from peers and directors.
Collaborated with world art and engineering closely to design playspaces and game modes that would fit within the franchise.